Chapter 5 Progress Update

Been a while since I made any kind of update - progress is kinda slow this time round. Its going, but slowly. I had a couple weeks where I didn't touch the game to give myself a much needed break. Been exploring some of the fine offerings from the community. And there's been a lot of real life goings on to deal with as well. 

Got a bit stalled on some of the artwork for a couple of characters. Hopefully things should speed up once I get done with them and I can put more focus back on writing some scenes. Its hard doing furries and males. May need to invest in an actual artist for the finished game given I have no artistic skill whatsoever. 

Current status at time of writing: 

Written some of the missing scenes for Elara for female gendered  (sexed? ) players. 

Added 6 new characters to the game for you to meet. 

Work progressing on designing a further 8 more characters to be added to introduce all of the main cast.

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